The Kampung

On the break of the dawn the tranquil of morning can be feel. The morning breeze gently stroke the surface of my face. They lack the warmth left my face tingling in cold. Trudging the sole of my feet on the empty ground the green square of paddy field lit up my view. I remember the green square of the paddy field, the shallow ground of the square was embraced with filth from the mud. In time they lower themselves to the ground touching the earth. Besides the green the birds jutted through.

"The curve of their beak peak through the quiet river
stirring the water into droplets,
they showered the grass and ground 
together it dampen and gloss the dry surface altogether"

There was also line of green carpeted the earth which decorated the side of the lane. The lane to where canopy of wooden houses can be seen. At the skirt of the wooden houses, the kids boisterous laughter can be heard. They remind me of the balmy evening where the fragile feet padded gleefully on the floor of dirt. 

Walking further down the concrete road, patches of orange blush from the soil scattered on the ground. 

"The ants jostle through the soils seeking the gems among the rocks,
hiding away from the threatening palm 
making their way to the tent of grass 
where the warm palm could not reach further" 

A flock of birds sometimes flew by tweeting their way across the sky. Occasionally the cicadas chirp making it existence known and chicken clawing the ground making the shuffling noise of leaves.

As the years continue to grow the elderly left the pack handing them down to youth around. The wooden house used to look sturdy once is now rusty with patches of dirt and line of black dots gracing the woods. 


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